This is a website I designed and coded early 2023 in StadinAO media-school. The website is a guestbook with features such as input fields where you can type in your name, last name and a message. And then send all the information typed into the fields are broadcasted on the website. Among other things the website has captcha functionality and error messages. The site is also responsive and works on different screen sizes including on mobile.
HTML coding
A snippet of the website's code. I coded the website "skeleton" in HTML.
CSS coding
Another snippet of the website's code. I coded the site's main style in CSS.
HTML coding
Here is a snippet of the website's code. I coded the website's "skeleton" in HTML which is the bare bones of the website without any kind of graphical and other adjustments .
CSS coding
Here is another snippet of the website's code. I coded the website's style in CSS which adds color, spacing, fonts among many other things to the "skeleton" of the website.
The final product
Guestbook website. On the left panel on the site you can type in your gredentials and an optional message and by pressing "Lähetä" the website sends the information to an SQL database and then broadcasts the information on the right panel via PHP.
The logo on the site's navigation bar was made in Adobe Illustrator™. The website was coded in PHP, CSS, SQL & HTML. The design and coding were done in Adobe Dreamweaver™.